Study in Japan

Japan is a country with rich nature, diverse topography, and beautiful turns of the seasons. Modern Japanese culture and society consist of a diverse mix of the old and new, the East and West, and the natural and artificial. . The country's rich variety of local festivals, annual events, and folk entertainment are also most likely the result of Japan's nature and topography. Japan boasts extraordinary skills and techniques in the production of arts and crafts.

The greatest appeal of studying in Japan is its academic environment where one can study state-of-the-art technology and acquire the knowledge that enabled Japan's phenomenal postwar economic growth. Japanese literature, medicine or international business administration, Japanese universities and other institutes of higher education can offer course studies or research programs of virtually any field. Many institutions of higher education, such as universities and junior colleges, are well equipped with fine research, computer, and library facilities and enable students to carry out their research in an excellent environment. Japan is a stable and highly developed country with a parliamentary democracy. Japan does have peaceful environment, so, students don't have to feel insecure. It comprises vocational colleges as well which is equivalent to university degree.

Why study in Japan?

Most students first enroll for Japanese Language course for one / two year,when they complete their desired language course then they can enroll for academic study to different Japanese colleges or universities. Students who want to go Japan need to understand that first they will be studying Japanese Language course then after only main course of study.The Best reason for choosing Japan as Abroad Study are:

  • Japan has the second largest economy in the world.
  • Knowing Japanese Language and Culture, brings business opportunities in different field.
  • Japanese language is a gateway to other Asian languages & cultures.
  • Japanese-speakers are the Internet's 3rd largest language group.
  • The Japanese are innovators.

Education System in Japan

The Japanese school system is often described as a 6-3-3-4 system, based on the number of years spent in each of the respective schools. In its current form, the school system dates back essentially to the early years of the post-war period. The education system is sub-divided into pre-school, elementary school, junior-high school, high school and university. There are public as well as private schools. School holidays are uniform throughout the country, but there is no rule corresponding to the German practice requiring children to repeat a year. School uniforms are usual in middle and high school, but rather rare among pre-schools and elementary schools. Compulsory schooling lasts for nine years, and school attendance is free during this time. Unlike in Germany, the school year begins in April, rather than in the summer. As education is highly-valued in Japan, the rate of illiteracy or other learning problems, is practically zero. There is, however, a dark side to the country’s education system, and many students complain of the inordinately high pressure to achieve that is imposed by schools and parents, sometimes even starting as early as the pre-school years.

Living Expenses

While the cost of living in Japan can vary greatly depending on the location, these numbers should give you a rough estimate of what it costs to start you new life in Japan.
We also briefly cover food and entertainment in the show but we didn’t include specific prices as those costs will vary depending on your lifestyle.

Anthony's Expenses

Rent: ¥75,000
Gas: ¥3000 ~ ¥4500
Water: Included with the rent
Electric: Included with the rent
Home Internet: ¥6121
Mobile Phone: ¥7800
Transportation: ¥7600

Reno’s Expenses

Rent: ¥78,000
Gas: ¥3000 ~ ¥4500
Water: ¥2000
Electric: ¥5500 ~ ¥6500
Home Internet: ¥2500 (¥30,000 router cost)
Mobile Phone: ¥7800
Transportation: ¥12,800

Preparation Courses